
Breast Implant Special

Original price was: $500.00.Current price is: $150.00.

The $150 deposit covers your full consultation including implant fitting/sizing and locks in your $500 savings for up to 1yr. This deposit is non-refundable but can be applied towards your surgery or medspa treatment.



At a Breast Augmentation Consult, we’ll discuss your goals whether they involve implants, a reduction, or a lift.

Consultations for our breast augmentation in Honolulu involve a 15 to 20-minute discussion and a physical breast exam to gain a better understanding of the patient’s anatomy. Nurses and other personnel will be present during the entire consultation to ensure patients feel comfortable throughout the process. Following the examination, patients will try on breast implant sizers to determine the size they are most comfortable with.

Dr. Ferguson will then review the various types of implants, make suggestions, and listen to feedback from the patient. Patients will have the option to confirm the size they want either during this meeting or a follow-up appointment.

See if you are a candidate for a scarless breast augmentation using a trans-axillary approach!

This technique leaves no scars on the breasts (incisions are made through the underarm creases). Getting a scarless breast augmentation in Hawaii can:

  • Increase the size of naturally small breasts with no scarring on the breasts
  • Use silicone or saline implants
  • Restore volume lost after pregnancy or weight fluctuations
  • Improve breast shape
  • Correct asymmetrical breasts
  • Elevate mild to moderate breast drooping
  • Can be placed over or under the muscle (not dual plane)

Click the following links for more information on the breast augmentation procedure you are interested in:

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Consult, Deposit