Weight Loss Skin Removal: Patient #1575935

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Patient Overview:

Patient was unhappy with their waist. They exercise regularly and lost 60 pounds due to diet and exercise. They have had no prior treatment to these areas before. They also have abdominal muscle separation from previous pregnancies. The patient has elected to undergo laser lipolysis to the flanks and low back as well as abdominoplasty with umbilical transposition.

They are one-year post-op in the photos.

Surgical Case Study:

  • The abdominoplasty incision line was marked. The 10 cm horizontal portion was marked at the hairline below a previous scar.
    The lateral limbs extended within the tan line to the axis of the anterior iliac spines. An inferior flap elliptical incision was marked.
    with the arc within the 10 cm horizontal portion.
  • The incision line and umbilicus were infiltrated with standard straight solution. The areas of flap elevation were hydrodissected using our standard half-strength tumescent solution. The area was prepped and draped in a sterile fashion.
  • The incision was made. This was taken down to Scarpa’s fascia. Superior elevation was performed over Scarpa’s fascia to the level
    above the costal margin. The umbilical stalk was isolated and transected from the flap as it was reached. The umbilical stalk was
    anchored using 0-PDS.
  • The diastases was repaired from the pubis to the xiphoid process using #2 polypropylene Quill sutures. 4 layers of the suture were placed. The superior flap was redraped and the site of the neo-umbilicus was marked in the midline in an inverted U fashion.
  • The umbilical stalk was brought through the neo-umbilicus and fixed using deep 3-0 PDS followed by cutaneous 4-0 Fast absorbing gut. The elliptical incision was then excised from the inferior flap.
  • A 4 mm JP drain was then placed and brought out of the inferior flap. The superior flap was anchored to the pubic periosteum using 0-PDS.The flaps were redraped and excess soft tissue excised. The wound bed was sprayed with 10 cc of platelet rich plasma.
  • The incision was then closed with 2 layers of deep 2-0 PDS followed by cuticular 4-0 Monocryl. Mastisol and brown tape were placed over the incisions.
  • A compression garment was placed. The patient was awoken and taken to the recovery room in stable condition.

Weight loss skin Removal:

Weight loss skin removal, also known as body contouring after massive weight loss or post-bariatric surgery body contouring, is a set of cosmetic surgical procedures designed to address excess skin and tissue that remains after significant weight loss. This excess skin is a common issue for individuals who have lost a substantial amount of weight, either through bariatric surgery or through diet and exercise.

When a person loses a significant amount of weight, their skin may not be able to contract adequately to fit the reduced body size, leading to loose and sagging skin. This can be both physically uncomfortable and emotionally distressing for individuals who have worked hard to achieve their weight loss goals.

Weight loss skin removal procedures can target various areas of the body, including the abdomen, breasts, arms, thighs, buttocks, and face. Common body contouring procedures include:

  1. Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck): Removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen and tightens the underlying muscles.
  2. Breast lift or reduction: Addresses sagging breasts by removing excess skin and lifting the breast tissue.
  3. Arm lift (brachioplasty): Removes excess skin and fat from the upper arms.
  4. Thigh lift: Removes excess skin and fat from the thighs, improving the thigh’s appearance and contour.
  5. Lower body lift: Combines elements of tummy tuck, thigh lift, and buttock lift to address the lower body as a whole.
  6. Facelift or neck lift: Addresses loose skin on the face and neck due to weight loss.

The combination of procedures performed during weight loss skin removal surgery can vary depending on the individual’s needs and cosmetic goals. These surgeries are typically performed under general anesthesia and require a period of recovery.