Lower Bleph: Patient #897204

Untitled 385 × 540 px 5

Patient Overview:

The patient had concerns regarding their brow/eye. Their periorbital concern consists of fat excess of the lower eyelid and a tired look to the eyes. A lower bleph was recommended to address these concerns.

Assessment of the patient reveals lower lid pseudo-herniation, tear trough formation, and mid-face descent. Post op photo was taken 6 years after the procedure.

Surgical Case Study:

  • Transconjuctivial incision was made.
  • Medial, middle, and lateral fat resection.
  • Voluma injections for lift.

A “lower blepharoplasty” (commonly referred to as a “lower bleph”) is a cosmetic surgical procedure that focuses on rejuvenating the lower eyelids. The primary goal of a lower blepharoplasty is to address various aesthetic issues that can occur in the lower eyelid area, such as bags under the eyes, puffiness, excess skin, and wrinkles.

During a lower blepharoplasty, the surgeon typically makes incisions either inside the lower eyelid (transconjunctival approach) or just below the lash line (subciliary approach). The choice of incision technique depends on the specific needs and characteristics of the patient. Through these incisions, the surgeon can remove or reposition excess fat, tighten the underlying muscles, and remove any loose or sagging skin. By doing so, the lower blepharoplasty can create a more refreshed and youthful appearance around the eyes.

Lower blepharoplasty can be performed as a standalone procedure or in combination with other cosmetic surgeries, such as an upper blepharoplasty (eyelid lift) or a facelift, for a more comprehensive facial rejuvenation.