How To Handle Your Skin Hangover

skin hangover

What is a Skin Hangover? Eat, drink and be merry….but did you know that your skin suffers from a skin hangover for up to 4 weeks after alcohol consumption! Alcohol not only dehydrates your skin making fine lines and wrinkles more prominent, the toxins and sugars contained in alcoholic beverages make skin appear puffy and dull whilst accelerating the aging process. Dark circles appear…

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Shopping List Pre-Surgery

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Please use this shopping list as a guide to help you prepare for surgery. Perhaps the most important thing on this list is your support person, especially if you have young children. Many procedures have a downtime of at least a week where you will be unable to raise your arms, bend, or move certain…

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NATRELLE Silicone-Filled Breast Implants

Natrelle INSPIRA® Breast Implants by Allergan 1

Allergan offers two lines of round silicone-filled breast implants: NATRELLE ® Silicone-Filled Breast Implants and NATRELLE INSPIRA® Breast Implants. NATRELLE ® Silicone-Filled Breast Implants are filled with Responsive silicone gel. NATRELLE INSPIRA® Breast Implants are filled with Responsive silicone gel (NATRELLE INSPIRA® Responsive Breast Implants), SoftTouch silicone gel (NATRELLE INSPIRA® SoftTouch Breast Implants), and Highly…

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Benefits & Risks of Breast Implants


A breast implant is NOT a lifetime device. The longer you have your implants, the more likely you’ll experience a complication and need a reoperation requiring the replacement or removal of the breast implant. As many as 32.4% of women who received breast implants for augmentation had their implants removed within 10 years, but your…

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Lower Face & Neck Lift/SMAS: Patient #1545898


What is a lower face & neck lift? A lower face lift is a surgical procedure that targets the lower face and neck to address signs of aging, such as sagging skin, jowls, double chin, and deepening facial folds. SMAS stands for Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System, which is a layer of connective tissue and muscle beneath…

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Abdominoplasty & Lower Body Lift: Patient #1019694


What is A Lower Body Lift? A lower body lift, also known as a belt lipectomy or circumferential body lift, is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to address loose, sagging skin and excess fat around the lower body. This procedure is commonly sought by individuals who have undergone significant weight loss, either through bariatric surgery…

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Smart Lipo Abdomen & Flanks: Patient #1811657


When can I expect to see results from smartlipo to the abdomen & flanks? While you are on the table approximately 75-85% of the fat cells that are going to die will actually liquefy immediately. We will remove this with a small cannula, so patients will see results equivalent to regular liposuction immediately. Some swelling…

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Crescent Lift w/ Breast Aug: Patient #1989220

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What is a crescent lift? A crescent lift, also known as a crescent mastopexy, is a type of breast lift procedure used to address minor breast ptosis (sagging) and asymmetry. Unlike a full breast lift, which involves more extensive incisions and reshaping of breast tissue, a crescent lift is a less invasive option suitable for…

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Lower Bleph: Patient #897204

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A “lower blepharoplasty” (commonly referred to as a “lower bleph”) is a cosmetic surgical procedure that focuses on rejuvenating the lower eyelids. The primary goal of a lower blepharoplasty is to address various aesthetic issues that can occur in the lower eyelid area, such as bags under the eyes, puffiness, excess skin, and wrinkles. During…

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Mons Lift with Tummy Tuck : Patient #1884504

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What is a mons lift? Also known as a monsplasty or pubic lift, is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to address sagging or excess skin in the mons pubis area. The mons pubis is the mound of fatty tissue located above the pubic bone and just below the abdomen. Some individuals may experience changes in…

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